5 Cyber Security Myths that Are Leaving Nonprofits Exposed

The Internet is full of advice and rumors about how to organize a corporate security system, but often the desire to protect yourself from all sides leads to the diametrically opposite result. Check five cyber security myths that are leaving nonprofits exposed in the article below.

The Importance of Cybersecurity for Small and Big Businesses

Small and medium businesses have a hard time when it comes to cybersecurity. Most security experts would rather choose a different working environment than go to work in SMB. Security experts are in high demand. However, instead of small and medium enterprises, they usually prefer to work in specialized security companies and do penetration testing. Another preferred choice is a big business where they can narrow down their tasks and/or have a more promising career path.

Another important issue related to the state of cybersecurity for small and medium businesses is the lack of cybersecurity awareness and belief in myths, especially in the case of top managers and executives. This often results in security being relegated to the background and viewed as a minor issue. And in such conditions, budgets are also minimal because, in most cases, they are focused on the development and direct profit.

Therefore, more and more top managers began to think about cybersecurity and how to properly organize protection. The most dangerous thing, in this case, is to grab onto everything, invest heavily in information security, forget about a systematic approach, and risk being left with nothing because of this. But the corporate cybersecurity segment, as it turned out, is surrounded by too many myths for the journey to be simple.

Which Are Five the Most Common Cyber Security Myths?

  1. More cybersecurity tools – more protection.

The biggest myth about business cybersecurity is that a lot of cybersecurity means better cybersecurity. Don’t focus on acquiring new tools; instead, you need to focus on your cyber security requirements first and then focus on tools that can meet those requirements.

2. Logging is not a defense.

If you log all instances of network access, your network is protected from attacks: this statement is very far from the truth. Logging network access is not enough; in addition, you need to scrutinize records for security anomalies and monitor suspicious sources.

3. Chatting with friends on social networks is safe.

The great thing about social media is that it connects us with friends and family despite the distance. But hackers skillfully use this advantage to their advantage.

4. Popular sites are securely protected.

Remember, any company is vulnerable to hacking. Popular theme sites are of interest to hackers because they contain data, including bank data, about a large number of users. Therefore, when you once again use the password 12345 for an account of some online store, think about your security.

5. The hosting provider will quickly “beat off the attack” and restore the site.

Really good protection against hackers is expensive, and not all Internet resources need it, but some projects simply need it to exist. Not all hosting providers provide an additional protection service.

Cybersecurity can be completely different – ranging from special anti-virus programs to powerful infrastructures that can protect the site even with strong ddos. The latter is really expensive. But fortunately, they are not necessary for every site. Therefore, before deciding to take care of the security of your resource, consult with experts in this field so as not to overpay for unused protection.